
KS Starrscream Chocolate Pepper Seeds

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Scoville Heat Units (SHU):
50,000 - 100,000

The KS Starrscream Chocolate pepper, developed by the renowned pepper grower Khang Starr, is a cross between KS Linzo Chocolate and KS White Thai. With the appearance reminiscent of a Chocolate Thai pepper, the KS Starrscream Chocolate has a flavor profile that blends the rich, earthy tones of the KS Linzo Chocolate with the subtle heat and complexity of the White Thai. 

The high-yielding plants produce pods that about 1 inch in length and mature from green to a deep brown.  Although it has not officially been tested on the Scoville Scale, the KS Starrscream Chocolate has a similar heat level as the Thai pepper, which averages 50,000 to 100,000 Scoville Heat Units.