
Jay's Gold Ghost Scorpion Pepper Live Plant

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Scoville Heat Units:
800,000 - 1,100,000

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Jay’s Gold Ghost Scorpion is a cross between Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion and the Gold Ghost pepper. The new variety, which is in the process of being stabilized, has a superhot heat level and a fruity flavor. Jay's Gold Ghost Scorpion peppers start off green and ripen to a golden yellow color when they are fully ripe. The peppers grow into various shapes, with some having tails like a Trinidad Scorpion. The golden yellow skin is thin and bumpy like a Ghost pepperThe name of the pepper pays homage to Jay Weaver, a pepper grower in Eastern Pennsylvania, who originally developed Jay's Gold Ghost Scorpion. The heat level is extremely hot with a fruity flavor, similar to that of the Ghost pepper.

Please note that this variety is still being stabilized so the pod shape could vary.

At Tyler Farms, we grow our plants the old fashioned way: no pesticides, no synthetic fertilizers, and we only use all natural fertilizers such as worm castings and fish emulsion.

Plants are shipped in 3 inch reusable plastics pots and approximately 4 to 6 inches tall.

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  • 5
    5 stars

    Posted by Janet Grasnow on 3rd Aug 2021

    This looks like a fun new variety! My plant arrived in terrific condition.