Jay’s Chocolate Ghost Scorpion pepper, a cross between Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion and Chocolate Ghost pepper, has a superhot heat level and a fruity, slightly smoky flavor. This particular strain was developed at Innovation Acre, but the name pay's tribute to Jay Weaver, a pepper grower in Eastern Pennsylvania who created Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion. Jay's Chocolate Ghost Scorpion grows into various shapes, with some having tails like a Trinidad Scorpion. The brown skin is thin and bumpy like a Ghost pepper. The heat level is extremely hot with a fruity flavor, similar to the Ghost pepper. Jay's Chocolate Ghost Scorpion pepper averages over 800,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU).
Jay's Chocolate Ghost Scorpion pepper is in the Ghost pepper family. There are several different colored strains of the Ghost pepper, including the Red Ghost pepper, White Ghost pepper, Peach Ghost pepper, Chocolate Ghost pepper, and Yellow Ghost pepper. The Ghost pepper is related to the Naga Viper, Dorset Naga, Naga Morich, and Chocolate Bhutlah.