
Ganzo Peach Pepper Seeds

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Scoville Heat Units (SHU):
250,000 - 400,000

Ganzo Peach peppers offer the perfect balance of fruity sweetness and moderate heat, making them an excellent choice for spice lovers looking for a unique flavor. These vibrant peppers, which start off purple and ripen to peach, add a tropical twist to any dish, whether used in salsas, marinades, stir-fries, or pickled for later enjoyment. With a heat rating between 250,000 to 400,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU), they provide a nice kick similar to a Habanero pepper, making them ideal for those who enjoy spice.

Known for their naturally sweet and slightly tangy flavor, Ganzo Peach peppers enhance both fresh and cooked dishes. They can be diced into salsas and salads, grilled for a smoky caramelized taste, blended into hot sauces, or pickled to preserve their bold essence. Whether you are looking to experiment with new flavors or enhance your favorite dishes, these peppers provide a delicious combination of heat and sweetness.